PowerTool Safe™ for:

Prevent jobsite theft

With the Most Innovative Solution Available

  • • A Tool Tracking Database
  • • An Information Network
  • • A Notification System

Join the PowerTool Safe™ network of builders, police officers and pawn shops. Become part of the solution. Together we can change the industry.

Everything you need
in one place

Image of customer

“I feel like I can leave my property where it needs to be and not lose sleep at night wondering if I’ll be a victim of theft again.”

- Aaron A., PowerTool Safe™ user

Limited Offer

Sign up and receive a $5.00 credit toward our tool cataloging service.

We'll show you how fast and easy it is.

Built to fight theft

  • • Know exactly what you have
  • • Know exactly where it is
  • • Make them afraid to steal it
  • • Make them afraid to sell it
  • • Catch them when they do

Limited Offer

Sign up and receive a $5.00 credit toward our tool cataloging

We'll show you how fast and easy it is.

The Most Effective Way to Prevent Theft

Image of theft cycle

It’s time to fight theft with a full-system approach.

Get the most advanced tool tracking available

PowerTool Safe™ begins where other tool tracking programs end.

We help you create tool records to protect yourself from theft.

We help you mark work trucks, trailers with WARNING stickers.

We help you share theft information with police and pawn shops.

We help you instantly search online for stolen tools.

We notify you when your tools are searched.

We help police and pawn shops recover & return your stolen tools.

That's the PowerTool Safe™ difference.

PowerTool Safe

Our specialists are standing by

We know you are busy. Let our cataloging service SAVE YOU TIME by automatically completing your tool records for you.

Join the PowerTool Safe™ network today and get the peace of mind you deserve knowing all your records are organized and you are prepared to hunt down anyone who helps themselves to your tools.

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Limited Offer

Sign up and receive a $5.00 credit toward our tool cataloging service.

We'll show you how fast and easy it is.

What do YOU have to lose, except all your tools?

Image of theft cycle

Theft affects everyone.

Imagine a system that helps a police officer locate the owner of a recovered stolen tool and instantly emails the tool’s owner to let them know it’s just been found.

Imagine a pawn shop that can learn more about a tool before they buy it. Is it stolen? Who is the original owner? Is there a police report attached to it?

That’s the PowerTool Safe™ solution. Sharing the right information with the right people at the right time is the only way to eliminate theft in the construction industry.

Join Now PowerTool Safe

Together, we can change the industry.

Become part of the solution

5 Reasons to sign up with PowerTool Safe™

  1. Prevent theft, protect your livelihood.
  2. Become part of the most cutting-edge solution to end theft in the construction industry.
  3. Make it impossible for thieves to get away with ANY stolen goods
  4. Your membership helps us build the resources police officers and pawns shops need to effectively fight theft.
  5. Your membership helps do more to automate tool tracking for you. Imagine if every tool you bought automatically went into your PTS account at the time of purchase. That’s the world we aim to create.

Information we can all use to make our industry safer.

Image of theft cycle
Image of customer

Peace of mind you can trust.

“You walk in, you see a sticker, you’re like, ‘Oh, okay. There’s security here’. You just know that somebody’s watching. That’s huge.”

- Allan H., PowerTool Safe™ user

Focus on your job. We’ll focus on your tools.

Time is money.

Builders simply don’t have the time. They wear several hats. The hats most often worn focus on the tasks that generate revenue. Meeting with clients, ordering materials, scheduling, quality control, coordinating subs, overseeing crews, accounting, invoicing. Tool tracking is loss mitigation. Because of that, theft will always be a pain point that contractors face.

PowerTool Safe

The fastest way to protect your equipment.

Image of theft cycle
Image of theft cycle


Your time is valuable. So are your tools. If you can take photos, we’ll do the rest to create the records you need to get you organized and help you stay organized. Keeping good records is the best way to help fight theft. Keeping records with PowerTool Safe™ is the best way to ensure everyone can help you when you need it most.

PowerTool Safe

More than just tool tracking.

Save time with PowerTool Safe™

Just take pictures. Leave the rest to us.

Get the peace of mind you deserve.

Save time, eliminate headaches, and ensure accuracy with our tool cataloging service. From your photos, we will complete your tool records by filling in:

  • • Brand
  • • Model
  • • Serial Number
  • • Tool Type
  • • Description
  • • Purchase Price (MSRP)

If you entered a receipt, we will also include:

  • • Purchase Date
  • • Actual Purchase Price
  • • Vendor
  • • Receipt Total
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Join the team. Feel the difference with PowerTool Safe™.

Image of theft cycle


Sharing the right information with the right people at the right time is the best way to fight theft. PowerTool Safe™ gives you:

  • • Tool Maintenance and Tracking
  • • Instant Theft Reporting
  • • PDF Reports
  • • Customizable Excel reports
  • • Emails
  • • Online Searches for Pawn Shops and Stolen Tools
  • • Instant Email Notifications
PowerTool Safe

Register up to $10,000.00 in tools for FREE.

Designed by builders for builders

Stay focused on what you do best with the peace of mind knowing we’ve got your back every step of the way. PowerTool Safe™ is the confidence you feel when you are properly prepared for anything.

PowerTool Safe™ is the system you can trust with a plan of action you can deploy when you need it most.

PowerTool Safe

Focus on your job. We’ve got your tools covered.

Image of theft cycle

PowerTool Safe™ is the most effective way to cut your losses.

Image of theft cycle

The combination of Brand, Model and Serial Number create a unique identifier for every power tool. When a tool record contains all three fields, vital, real-time information can be shared about that tool and its rightful owner with law enforcement, pawn shops and other users to help break the cycle of theft in today’s construction industry.

PowerTool Safe

Quality information. Quality communication.


More than tool tracking, the PowerTool Safe™ database provides additional resources helping law enforcement, pawn shops, insurance companies and other PTS users to prevent the purchase of stolen tools and locate the rightful owners of recovered stolen property.

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Image of stolen tool search Click to search

PowerTool Safe™. Bridging the information gap with a team approach.

Image of customer

Peace of mind you can trust.

“You walk in, you see a sticker, you’re like, ‘Oh, okay. There’s security here’. You just know that somebody’s watching. That’s huge.”

- Allan H., PowerTool Safe™ user

Focus on your job. We’ll focus on your tools.


PowerTool Safe™ works exactly the same for all your valuable purchases. Keeping accurate records of all your investments gives you the peace of mind knowing that come fire, flood or theft, you have the documentation you can rely on to easily file an insurance claim to recoup your losses or even file a police report after a theft. Use your phone to create records in seconds. If anything happens, you’ll be glad you did.

Image of theft cycle


Over time, we tend to forget what all we spend on the items we buy for work, play, investment, or pleasure. Everyday items that we rely on that would truly hurt if they went missing and you had to show proof of purchase. Isn’t it time to make sure you have the records you need to protect yourself from fire, flood or theft?

Save on theft insurance

There are two types of theft insurance policies. “Stated Value” and “Scheduled”. Stated Value means that your policy premium is based on the total value of your equipment with no documentation. Scheduled List means you give your agent a list of all the tools you are insurning that includes brand, model, serial number, and price. This helps the insurance company know exactly what they are ensuring and typically costs significantly less than a stated value policy.

Image of theft cycle

Settle claims faster

When your records are complete with PowerTool Safe™, you can instantly create theft incidents and complete police reports. This is the exact same information you need to file an insurance claim. Getting complete information to your insurance company helps them settle claims faster too.

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Everything you need to protect your equipment.

Buying stolen tools is bad for business

Pawn shops lose money when they buy stolen goods. They don’t have instant access to the information they need to prevent them from buying stolen tools. A better flow of quality information is essential to help everyone combat theft as a team.

When a PTS user experiences theft, marks tools stolen and files a police report, that information can be conveyed to a pawn shop when they search that stolen tool.

Pawn shop transaction


Due diligence is good business sense. Taking a second to check the status of a tool can save a Pawn Shop from losing money and help cut down on theft in your community.

One simple search can help you protect the hard-working builders in your area and improve your reputation.

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Image of stolen tool search Click to search

Do more to protect the hard-working members of your community.

Pawn shop building


A better flow of information helps you improve your bottom line, protect your community, and strengthen your reputation.

With a true team approach, everyone wins.

PowerTool Safe

Reinforce your reputation. Help protect your community.

Thief caught on camera


Law Enforcement has an incredible responsibility to their entire community. Jobsite theft is just one aspect of crime police officers respond to.

PowerTool Safe™ is an additional resource specifically developed to help theft victims, pawns shops and law enforcement effectively share the critical information necessary to reduce theft in the construction industry.


Every year, thousands of tools end up in police custody with no way to trace them back to their rightful owner. At PowerTool Safe™, our goal is to help bring your recovered stolen goods back home to you. After all, isn’t that how tool tracking should work?

Tools recovered from theft

Help send recovered goods back to their owner

Have you recovered a tool? Enter Brand, Model, and Serial Number. If it's registered in our database, we will instantly put you in contact with the rightful owner.

It really is that simple. The owner would love to have their property returned. They may even be able to provide missing theft details that help lead to an arrest.

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Image of stolen tool search Click to search

Finally, a tool database that everyone can benefit from.

Pain points are real

Builders don’t have the time and most don’t know how to create the necessary records to protect their equipment.

  1. Builders don’t have a good system for keeping records and most don’t know how to create one.
  2. They know tool records is something they need to help combat theft, but most don’t know how or where to begin.
  3. Builders will stand in line to receive a service they need when someone else is willing to provide it for them.
  4. Receiving tool information makes builders feel smarter by preparing them with a plan.
  5. Having good records and a proactive plan in place gives builders a sense of security.
  6. Receiving a service that offers a sense of security makes a purchase transaction personal.
Screenshot of reddit post asking about stolen tools
Screenshot of reddit post asking about stolen tools

Retailers are in a strategic position

Every tool enters the construction ecosystem through a retailer which creates an incredible marketing strategy for retailers. The PowerTool Safe™ API automatically creates accounts and generates tool records at the point of sale giving your customers the tools they need to directly address the pain points they face every day.

“An increase in customer retention of merely 5% can equate to an increase in profit of 25%. This is because repeat customers are more likely to spend more with your brand —300% more, to be exact”1

1 Hubspot.com article on the Importance of Customer Service

Increase customer loyalty, increase revenue.

“The only way you can beat the competition is by truly understanding your target audience, especially their needs and pain points.”2

PowerTool Safe™ was designed by builders to give builders over 20 tools they need to address the issues they face daily including the tools they need to handle maintenance, warranty and theft.

Make every purchase personal with PowerTool Safe™ by directly addressing your customer’s issues and offering them solutions to their daily pain points.

2, 3 Hubspot.com article on the Importance of Customer Service

Tools recovered from theft

“Customers are willing to pay more to companies that offer better customer service.”3

Give your customers a true solution

Keeping detailed records is one of the best way to reduce, prevent, and fight theft. Now, with the PTS API, you can AUTOMATICALLY create the tool records your customers need. The exact records your customers don’t know how to or have time to create.

…67% of Customers would pay more to get a better customer service experience. Clearly, customer service matters so much to customers that they would literally pay more to interact with a brand that does it well”4

…72% of customers will share a positive experience with six or more people.”5

4, 5 Hubspot.com article on the Importance of Customer Service

Strengthen customer loyalty with every purchase

The PTS API automatically turns every purchase into an organized digital filing system that includes hyperlinks bringing your customers directly back to you.

Screenshot of reddit post asking about stolen tools


Every purchase you register includes a receipt with a hyperlink directly back to you.

Only tools registered through a retailer receive hyperlinks both in receipts and on tools.

API Resources
Screenshot of PowerTool Safe™ interface


With every purchase confirmation email, highlight a new feature that you made available to you customer by sharing PowerTool Safe™.

  1. Easily build a master list of equipment using photos
  2. Quickly generate records of existing tools
  3. Create new tool records straight from the box
  4. Save time with the PowerTool Safe™ cataloging service
  5. Instantly access tool manuals
  6. Instantly access replacement parts
  7. Manage tool warranties
  8. Organize receipts and create expense reports
  9. Know your tool stats at a glance
  10. Sort tools by work truck or jobsite
  1. Track jobsites on the map
  2. Hold employees accountable with tool lists
  3. Generate lists to save on theft insurance
  4. Add theft deterrence to work vehicles
  5. Generate a theft incident and create a PDF
  6. Add police report and officer contact info to theft incident
  7. Locate pawn shops and share full report
  8. Search Craigslist and E-bay for stolen tools
  9. Receive notifications about stolen tools
  10. Help your customer and their community fight theft

Customer service statistics

Customer service represents your brand image, mission, and values.
In fact, 96% of customers say customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand.

Happy customers will refer others.
In fact, 72% of customers will share a positive experience with six or more people.

Customers are willing to pay more to companies that offer better customer service.
67% of customers would pay more to get a better customer service experience.

Customers expect high-quality service.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, more than half of those surveyed (58%) said their customer service expectations are higher today than they were a year ago

Customer service can lead to more revenue.
89% of companies with "significantly above average" customer experiences perform better financially than their competitors.

Give them peace of mind.

“I feel like I can leave my property where it needs to be and not lose sleep at night wondering if I’ll be a victim of theft again.”

- Aaron A., PowerTool Safe™ user

Customer service that actually delivers peace of mind.

Image of customer

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Integrate With Ease

Are you a potential partner that would like to give your customers the security of having their possessions protected by PowerTool Safe™? Online retailers, SaaS applications, or even just large enterprises can integrate with our system seamlessly through our open public API.

For example, an online retailer can add a few simple API calls to their checkout flow and automatically create a new PowerTool Safe account for their customer, add tool purchases, upload receipts, perform lookups, and even update specific fields such as serial numbers. Your customers will no longer be forced to contact you to look up receipts and serial numbers when they need to recover their information, they'll have everything at their fingertips in their very own account. You can even upload the entire purchase history of a customer so they've got a complete record of everything they've purchased from you in their account.

Another use case is a SaaS application that serves the construction industry. Automatically create accounts for your customers, let them update their own tools, and then (with the customer's permission) query for data on those tools. Perhaps you have an asset management module, but you want to offer the capability to store and maintain images, purchase history, receipts, etc. Plus your customers will get the peace of mind of theft prevention, police reports, etc.

How it Works

  • Sign up for a developer account. You'll be issued a developer key for both the sandbox and the production system.
  • Add the API calls to your systems. Each customer you add must have opted in for an account. The API is rate limited to 6 calls per minute, contact us if you need a higher bandwidth.
  • Start adding accounts. Accounts that you've added can be queried and updated via the API as long as the customer has also opted in from our system to allow you that access.
  • And that's it. Let's get started!

    © 2022 PowerTool Safe Inc. All rights reserved.
    PowerTool Safe is a registered trademark of PowerTool Safe Inc. Terms and conditions, features, support, pricing, and service options subject to change without notice.
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